Declaration of the 37th ITI’s World Congress – NO MORE WAR

The world is living through a terrible moment caused by wars. In each continent, thousands of people are living in destruction and violence. At this moment we are living the maximum number of conflicts after the Second World War. The international community of performing arts all over the world affirms its opposition to war and the need to build paths of peace and permanent dialogue between peoples. The UNESCO Charter and the ITI were created as a tool for overcoming conflicts and promoting a constant practice of peace. The culture of war that spreads every day through social media and global communication networks must be firmly rejected. The ITI World Congress declares that only dialogue between cultures and concrete peace practices can lead to real coexistence in the world. We express our closeness to all the artists who are currently experiencing a condition of suffering in places of war, suffering repression, censorship, arrests, indiscriminate deportations, genocide. The ITI will continue to promote all actions to support communities that suffer the systematic destruction that war produces. Every war is justified “culturally”. We, the international community of the Performing Arts, declare that only freedom of expression, freedom of gender, the valorization of cultural diversity, respect and protection of the environment, social inclusion, the rejection of indiscriminate exploitation and violence, can build peace.

22/09/2024 Den Bosch (The Netherlands)