Organised by the Med Youth/Jeunesses Med network with the support of the REF (Réseau Euromed France), and the fundamental support on the ground of Mana Chuma Teatro, the 7th edition of the Med Youth Meeting will be held in Reggio Calabria from 12 to 15 June, bringing together 80 young people from the Mediterranean area involved in civil society.
The REF is a group of 40 French civil society organisations (associations, collectives and trade unions) and individual members operating in Mediterranean countries. Stemmed from the REF, the Med Youth / Jeunesses Med network is a space for dialogue, cooperation, exchange, discovery and encounter between young people trying to imagine a common future between the Mediterranean shores.
Over the years, through regular meetings (the Med Youth Meetings), a networking space has been built up providing participants the opportunity to improve their practices implemented at local level, to strengthen their knowledge, and to disseminate youth messages in the Mediterranean area.
The Med Youth Meeting is a gathering of some 80 young people from 17 Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey) committed to the themes of employment and vocational training, civic participation, migration and mobility, social and climate justice and freedom of expression.
After Paris, Casablanca, Algiers, Tunis, Marseille and Beirut, this year it will be the city of Reggio Calabria to host the 7th edition of such an important event from 12 to 15 June.
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