After more than 70 representations across Italy and also in France, Malta and Germany, our play “Come un granello di sabbia” (Like a little grain of sand) has been translated from Italian to Macedonian by Kristina Peseva-Dinovska. It was published in the form of an e-book in the framework of the project E-PLAYS by the North Macedonian Centre of ITI (International Theatre Institute – UNESCO) PRODUKCIJA, based in Skopje and directed by Ivanka Apostolova.
The translation was funded by the Italian Embassy in Skopje.
Authors: Massimo Barilla, Salvatore Arena / Translator: Kristina Peseva-Dinovska / Actor: Salvatore Arena / Edition: Theatre and Performing Arts / Cover Illustration: Ivana Kungulovska / Editor & Graphic Designer: Ivanka Apostolova Baskar / 2021 / Language: Macedonian / Pages: 38 / Copies: 500 / ISBN – 978-608-4912-99-6