quanto resta della notte

What is left of the night
This text stemmed from the necessity to go beyond the night to imagine a time devoted to love, to experience illness as healing, the death of the mother as the reconciliation of a son with life. Therefore, it stemmed from an act of love. “I would love to have a lemon ice cream, my mother said. Three o’ clock in the morning and everything it closed. A son comes back home after a long time and what does he do? What does he do? My mother said. He goes out at night to look for lemon ice cream for his mother.” In this conversation, there is the need of every man to overcome dramas, deaths and contradictions, to seek faith, a hill that is a place of salvation where to believe, where to ask for absolution.

The story is a succession of memories that awaken the hidden truth in the heart of Pietro, the protagonist. Thousands of words placed in the daily span of three days, a via crucis, a mother who will pass away to give birth to her son a second time. On stage, an actor sits motionless, anchored on a chair, bound to the story, nailed, compelled in that space and time to avoid distracting the body from what is happening inside, with no possible escape.

Quanto resta della notte is a silent, quiet-restless cry, smeared with tears and remorse, a necessary sacrifice, an extreme act in silence. It is an appeal to conscience, to the listening of others in order to surrender to forgiveness. It is a cross to be carried, a brother to be cradled in the core of the heart, a mother to be accompanied in her last step. There is therefore no escape, no space for fiction. Immobility itself is an extreme confrontation with life that moves through the act of speaking with others that are no other but himself.

Paola Abenavoli
Paola Abenavolizoomsud.it
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"Once again, what Salvatore Arena offered was much more than a 'performance'. It was also much more than an example of narrative theatre. Arena does not tell the story, he is the protagonist of a journey through the soul (...), a journey back in time, to put his memories in order, to understand what his life was, in search of self-forgiveness (...).
Horcynus Festival Reggio Calabria 2020
Horcynus Festival Reggio Calabria 2020strill.it
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"Alone on stage, sitting on a chair (...), Salvatore Arena, through a powerful and relentless interpretation, gave voice and body to a painful, inexorable merciless or perhaps a finally generous stream of memories (...)."
Salvatore Arena
Salvatore Arenastrill.it
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"It is a story of salvation that everyone can find through forgiveness of self and of others. It is the story of the return of a child to his mother, and above all, the story of a journey within the self, in search of what reveals the profound meaning of all."
Paola Abenavoli
Paola Abenavolipaneacquaculture.net
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"The purest example of narrative theatre in which, however, the actor is not only a narrator, but a also protagonist, the essence of the story. He who takes us into his world, into his dreams, into his path; who allows us to see with his eyes, to perceive the sounds, the sensations, the nuances of the glances; the backgrounds, the houses, even the fog that accompanies the steps; the trees in the wind, the river in flood that brings death and pain. And he does it with his voice, facial expressions, gestures that become tools, language, on a journey inside the character, inside forgiveness."