Stretto di Carta, Dario Tommasello

Together with other prestigious works and writers, the poetry collection “Ossa di crita” by Massimo Barilla has been included in the literary map of the Strait of Messina drafted by Dario Tomasello, in “Stretto di carta”, just published in the series Le città di carta by Il Palindromo editore.

In the chapter Case basse, Tomasello notably highlights the links between some of Massimo Barilla’s poems, and the world, the language of the famous Horcynus Orca by Stefano d’Arrigo.

“Stretto di carta” is a literary guide of a border region, of the confluence between two seas, between two worlds, between the insular and the “continental”. The Strait is a place doomed to discrepancy, change, inevitable transit, disaster (the devastating earthquake of 1908) and the endless re-foundation between West and East, between North and South of the world. Its characteristic features can be discerned through the rich literary repertoire made up of the works of writers who have made this area of ​​conjunction between Sicily and Calabria a character in its own right: from Pascoli, Quasimodo and Cattafi to D’Arrigo, Bufalino and Consolo to contemporary writers.

The book includes the “Mappa letteraria dello Stretto”  (Literary Map of the Strait) in which “Ossa di crita” features on the Calabrian coast with the verse “Petri ianchi comu la peddi” (stones white as skin) of the poem “Jornu primuntinu”.


Massimo Barilla