Mana Chuma Teatro is back to Malta

Friday 16 September
From 10:00 – 12:00

Contrappunti sonori / Sound Counterpoints
Workshop with Massimo Barilla and Luigi Polimeni
Studio Solipsis
73, Triq il-Kbira
Rabat, MALTA

The workshop will focus on a methodology that Mana Chuma has been experimenting with for over 20 years in the field of performing arts.
The approach integrates language/style into the creative process as part of an organic whole and contributes to the overall development through an action of mutual provocation. These organic dramaturgies integrate music, soundscapes, stage designs elements, light design, innovative technologies, etc.

Focus on: Sound Counterpoints
Within this more general approach, the workshop will deepen, in the form of an exchange with the participants and through concrete performative examples, the generative relationship between the poetic and / or literary word and music, in terms of sound, rhythm, compositional choices, interaction. A relationship that is capable of leaving spaces open to performative improvisation beyond a defined structure.

Book tickets:


At 20:00
Ossa di Crita

Reading-performance from Massimo Barilla’s poetry collection ‘Ossa di Crita’ with original live music by Luigi Polimeni (piano, synth, theremin)
Collected and published for the first time, the poems written in the dialect of Reggio Calabria are like stumbling pebbles scattered along a path of over twenty years of research and writing that travels through the experience of theatre to reach poetry verses.

In Barilla’s words (…) there are the terms and atmospheres that identify this sharp-pointed and solidary land that wounds and embraces, clods that produce chicory and thistles as well as the bitter sweetness of the intensely scented bergamot. There are the hands, the flavours, the knowledge, the scratches, the nails and the wind, the father, the teeth, the wine, the blood, the footprints, the pain, the flesh, the stone, the dust, the mud, the shadows, the mother. (…) Playing the Theremin, the musician and composer Luigi Polimeni accompanies Barilla. The magic it creates is one that surfs on the nothingness, gives meaning, cuts the silence. Barilla’s poetry is tactile and natural, it is a poetry of cuts and bites, artisan words, embers, narrow eyes, of love and death.
Tommaso Chimenti – Recensito

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