The After of the 37es Assises de La Traduction Littéraire

On Saturday 28 November, from 21:00, Elizabeth Grech participes in the reading of literary texts for L’After des 37es Assises.

La première chose que je peux vous dire – Un florilège d’incipit
(The first thing I can tell you – An anthology of incipit)
Multilingual reading in the framework of the 37es Assises de la Traduction Littéraire festival, literature festival, Arles (France) organised by ATLAS (Association pour la promotion de la traduction littéraire – Association for the promotion of literary translation)
Elizabeth Grech reads a poetic text she translated into Maltese from the French translation by Florence Delay and Alain Marchadour, interpretation of an extract from The Bible – The New Testament of St. John and an extract from the Little Prince translated into Maltese by the writer Clare Azzoppardi.
Live on the ATLAS YouTube TV channel.

An online event organised by the AATI – Argentina, l’AMETLI – Mexico, l’ ACTTI – Colombia, le CTL – Switzerland, TraduQtiv – Belgium, STRADE – Italy and ATLAS – France.